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01. About Us

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About Acesys Solutions

Acesys Solutions is a global software conglomerate dedicated to provide platforms that give people a competitive edge to thrive in an ever evolving world of technology.

Technology is changing our
very existence

The way we live, learn and work; nothing is exempted. At Acesys Solutions, we invest our time and knowledge in developing new methods that make complex solutions seem easy, thereby allowing users of our solutions and platforms gain a competitive advantage while embracing innovations.

As technology advances, and its doing so at break neck speed, everyone and every business will have to adapt current trends in an above average manner in order to remain relevant. Here, at Acesys, we focus on the future and how to simplify the process of using cutting edge technology to help our users gain a competitive edge.

Our goal is to solve our user’s immediate needs and at the same time, having a long-term development and growth mindset. We offer services that range from custom development software applications to task specific apps with one objective, keeping things simple.


Our Services


Process Automation

Process Automation is a way that operations can be streamlined using technology and digital transformatiom.

To make certain our clients enjoy efficient, scalable processes, we develop custom systems that include seamless automation process design, skilled engineering, and state-of-the-art equipment—all of which we tailor to accommodate each client’s specifications.

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ICT Consultancy

Many businesses are challenged to keep pace with today’s fast-moving IT landscape. Fail to react quickly and accurately and you risk being outpaced by your competitors who are using technology to their advantage!

Successful organizations look ahead, identify where they need to be, and map out the technology that will get them there. For many organizations, IT consulting services is a big part of that roadmap.

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Acesys on Youtube

Explorer our youtube channel and get video guides and product tours to find a solution that works best for you.

We ensure that all software releases have adequate video documentation to ease the onboarding process.

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Our Team

Fleming Paul Usiomah

Chief Solutions Developer / Founder

Olaolu Akintoye

Lead Developer


Our Partners

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